How To Upgrade
Let's See How It Works
It's much easier than it looks. Follow three simple steps!
Purchase a Plan
Purchase your plan of choice from the available options
Activating The Plan
We'll complete and send you an email notifying you of your completed order
Enjoy The Upgrade
Enjoy your upgrade! If you have any enquires, please contact us
Choose a plan that's right for you
Simple Pricing Plans
We offer personal plans ranging from 1 month to 12 month premium plans.
Not sure what to pick? Or nothing fits your budget or requirements? Just send us a chat for a custom plan built for you!
Our service works in all countries that support Spotify. So if you're able to use Spotify, our plans will work perfectly for you.
Our service works in all countries that support Spotify. So if you're able to use Spotify, our plans will work perfectly for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any questions? Chat with us or email us at
Are there requirements for upgrading?
Nope, there are no requirements at all for purchasing a plan!
How long does it take to receive my premium?
Orders are completed within 24 hours of the order time. An email will be sent to you with the product key once it's ready
Will this service work in my country?
Our service works in all countries that support Spotify. So if you're able to use Spotify, our solutions will work perfectly for you.